Have you seen something that you just knew you had to make something out of it. Well I saw the base of this tree at Hobby Lobby and knew I could make something out of it. But what? I didn't buy it--but it worked on me--all day every day until I went back and bought it.
I purchased 2 8 ft garlands at the dollar store. Took them home and stripped all the leaves off. Then I painted them silver on one side. Next I stamped a fern leaf in black on each leaf. After they dried I added purple paint on the ferns. I found the purple looking beading on sale at Joann's. I stripped the plants down and cut the foam beads up in small pieces.
Starting at the bottom using E6000 glue I added two rows of the silver leaves and two rows of the purple bead sections. Working my way to the top. Then I added silver ribbon and lavendar birds.
Hoping you enjoy my Christmas creation. The complete instructions are posted on the Rubber Road